Take a scroll down your social media feeds, and you’ll be faced with an onslaught of motivational and inspirational quotes. You’ll see life coaches insisting you leave the past behind, personal trainers insisting you take a “no excuses” attitude to your workout, and friends who love to share the latest funny or uplifting quote.

But in between these posts are the people who make you scratch your head in wonder. The complainers. The ones, who, no matter what, take to their Facebook feeds to let the world know they are “Ughhhh, sitting in traffic again,” or complaining about a situation that they have absolutely no control over.

At Dr. Gena Chiropractic, your leader for family chiropractic care in Plantation, it’s no secret that we take the first approach to life. We choose to maintain an upbeat, positive attitude, and pride ourselves on always finding ways to turn life’s lemons in to lemonade.

The difference between the Facebook cheerleaders and the Debbie Downer’s lies in one thing:

Their mindset.

You’ve heard it before. A negative mind will never give you a positive life. And if you really think about it, the two types of social media users we described above literally separate the world into two categories:

Those with a positive mindset, and those who choose to see the glass half empty, looking at life through a negative and cloudy lens.

But this negative mindset causes way more damage than just accelerating the rate at which people unfollow your social media accounts. As reported by the Power of Positivity website, Stress from negative thinking creates changes in the brain that may affect your likelihood of mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, schizophrenia and mood disorders. Negative thinking actually takes hold of your brain like an unhealthy habit, becoming harder for you to shake with each negative thought.

The last thing we need, as a society, is yet another way to make ourselves sick.  As leaders in chiropractic care in the Fort Lauderdale area and committed champions of wellness, we aim to give our patients the tools they need to live their healthiest, and happiest lives.

Here are our top 5 ways to adopt a positive mindset and live a more positive life.

  1. Start the day with gratitude

It’s not abnormal to wake up to the sound of your alarm clock and immediately begin stressing over the huge list of to-do’s you need to cover before your head gets to hit the pillow again. But when you choose to start the day with a positive thought, recognizing that amidst the responsibilities you still have it pretty great, you begin to shift your brain towards the positive. Keep a journal next to your bed, and jot down one positive thought first thing in the morning. For example, “I was lucky to enjoy a good night’s sleep in a warm, cozy bed, and I am grateful that I get to appreciate this bed again tonight after I get through my day.”

  1. Focus on the present

There’s a reason why Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now was a best-selling book: Worrying about tomorrow will not change the outcome. It also creates a whole bunch of unnecessary stress in your brain for literally no reason. Dealing with things as they come, and taking care of today before you freak out about tomorrow, will help keep you calm and feel more accomplished at the end of the day. Feeling accomplished at the end of the day will no doubt enable you to wake up feeling more positive the next day. As positivity continues to spill over into your days each morning, your mindset will soon begin to work for you, instead of against you.

  1. Eliminate negative self-talk from your daily conversations and thoughts.

If you are getting dressed in the morning, taking a look in the mirror and immediately thinking a negative thought – you’re adapting a negative mindset. If a friend compliments you and your kneejerk reaction is to reply with “Are you crazy?!” – this is a problem. Negative self-talk is a side effect of living life with a negative mindset. It’s okay to want to be more fit, feel better in your jeans, and lose a few pounds, but it is never healthy to shame yourself with negative self-talk – it’s like pouring gasoline on the negative mindset fire.

  1. Focus on what’s good in your life.

Don’t beat yourself up that you lost a client. Applaud yourself for having a bunch of other clients who think your work is phenomenal. Don’t wallow in the fact that you wish you had more money – celebrate the fact that you’re living a pretty enjoyable life with what you’ve got. Look for the best in whatever your situation is and before long, your mindset will automatically begin to shift.

  1. Be easy on yourself.

Life is not always a walk in the park. Life gets tough sometimes, and that’s just the way it goes. Having a positive mindset does not mean that you are not allowed to ever feel unhappy, worried or stressed. It just means that you are able to recover from these moments and go back to appreciating the good in your life as soon as your bad day is over.

And did you know that feeling healthy leads to being more positive? Or does having a positive mindset lead you to feel healthier? Whichever it is, we can certainly help you with both of these things at Dr. Gena Chiropractic. Visit us for a chiropractic consultation and start living your best life, today!

At Dr. Gena Chiropractic, your health is in your hands, but our hands are here to help!


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