In some states, fall brings about beautiful leaves with vivacious colors. Here in south Florida, however, it seems to have only brought rain.

One thing it brings all of us, however, no matter where we live – is the excitement for fall comfort foods.

I mean, have you seen the candy aisles in Target lately?

Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Hanukah – it’s all fun and games, until your pants don’t fit anymore.

But never mind the estimated 5 pounds that Americans tend to pack on during the fall and winter seasons. It’s the inflammation that all of these indulgent foods bring about that is the real cause for concern – but don’t worry, we’ve got a solution for that!

And at Dr. Gena Chiropractic in Plantation, we care about providing solutions that help our patients live their best and healthiest lives. The bottom line is that inflammation and good health do not mix, so it’s best to live a lifestyle that combats the onset of inflammation rather than having to reverse the damage once it’s been done.

Here are some reasons why we like to avoid inflammatory foods or lifestyle choices that lead to unhealthy inflammation:

  • It wreaks havoc on your stomach
  • It can lead to heart disease
  • It causes pain and discomfort in the joints
  • It’s linked to a higher risk of cancer
  • It disrupts your ability to sleep soundly
  • It can harm your lungs

Now we’re not saying you need to totally avoid the yummy, comforting holiday foods that bring about nostalgia and memories of Great Aunt Lucy’s sugar-laden pies. But what we are saying is there are ways to get that yummy comfort food feeling without the inflammatory effects that many sugary, salty, or gluten-based foods have on our bodies.

Our favorite inflammatory-fighting holiday foods?

Mashed Cauliflower

Love the taste of mashed potatoes but want to avoid all the calories and dense starchiness it brings to your bowl? Swap cauliflower in for potatoes, swap extra virgin olive oil for butter (or opt or grass-fed Ghee if indulging) and for an added anti-inflammatory boost, sprinkle turmeric on your finished product and give it a festive, golden glow.

Sea Salt and Garlic Kale Chips

Crave that salty goodness whenever you walk into any holiday event? You’re not alone. There is something so satisfying about a salted, crunchy snack. But to avoid the effects that high-sodium can have on our bodies, swap out the fried snacks for some homemade kale chips instead! Tear a head of kale into strips to remove the stems, sprinkle olive oil, sea salt, and garlic powder, and stick the leaves in the oven at 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes. Addictive, delicious, and totally guilt-free.

Cherry Cobbler

Yes, you read that right – cobbler. When it comes to anti-inflammatory fruits, cherries take the cake – pun intended. And by baking them into a cobbler rather than a pie, you’re saving tons of calories by using less butter, sugar and flower. Swap traditional white flour for a gluten-free alternative such as almond or coconut flour, and try using a natural sweetener instead of white sugar. Boom! Now you’re doing double-duty on reducing the inflammatory effects of such a delicious dessert.

Dark Chocolate

Can’t resist the taste of chocolate while trick or treating with your kids or loved ones? Just sneak a few pieces of dark chocolate when the craving hits and you’ll not only be satisfying your sweet tooth, you’ll reap the anti-inflammatory effects that dark chocolate has on your system. Make sure to choose a dark chocolate with 70% cocoa or higher. The darker the chocolate, the harder it fights inflammation!

While we may not be putting out a Dr. Gena Chiropractic cookbook just yet, we do know a thing or two about healthy eating for a healthy lifestyle – and we’re always here to help answer any of your questions. Of course, when the holiday season gets going, so does the stress, so don’t forget to take great care of your body by getting adequate sleep, hydrating frequently, exercising often, and stopping in for regular chiropractic adjustments at our office, located just minutes west of Fort Lauderdale.

At Dr. Gena Chiropractic, your health is in your hands, but our hands are here to help.


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