I awoke to a beautiful sunny day!  I set a positive intention and head to a fantastic yoga class which challenged and strengthened my body as well as opened my mind.  Feeling groovy, I returned home to my father lying on the couch in pain.  You see, he decided to reclaim his health this week by choosing healthier foods and exercising.  I am extremely proud of him for doing this!  It is never too late to elicit positive change.  But apparently, he threw his back out in the process.  I had him lay on my chiropractic table and adjusted him to help restore his innate healing potential.  Upon unsteadily rising from the table, he boldly stated "getting old sucks!" to which I replied "but it doesn't have to!"

It's never too late to start taking better care of ourselves.  Most people spend their years eating unhealthy foods, sitting on the couch watching negative news, choosing not to make time to set exciting goals for their future because they've lost a zest for life.  They spend their days unconnected to the powerful messages the universe is constantly sending our way.  At what point do we let this happen?

Being happy takes work, but being miserable takes the same amount.  Since we are putting the energy out there regardless, why not work to reap positive results?  Lets not kid by saying this is simple.  Expressing health and happiness at your fullest potential TAKES WORK!  Here are my action steps to help ensure that as I grow older, it only gets better baby!

**MOVE YOUR BODY:  no, you don't need a gym membership to do this!  Take advantage of the gorgeous fall weather--get outside breathe in deep and start walking!  While you might spend the first few minutes hating it, trust that you will feel really good after your endorphins start flowing.  The more we move, the more oxygen we pump through our bodies--breath is life!

**MAKE HEALTHIER FOOD CHOICES:  if it's not something that grew outside and it didn't walk or swim, we probably should not be eating it.  The less processed the foods we eat, the more nutrition and sustenance we provide ourselves.  Try to avoid processed sugars and dairy.  Opt for organic, when possible!

**GET PROPER REST:  how are you supposed to perform at your best without repairing and recharging all you go through in a day?  I understand that kids, work and life unfortunately cause us to take hours from our much needed beauty rest, but without our zzz's, we sacrifice mental clarity and energy.  This often leads to making less healthy choices throughout the day.

**DEVELOP A POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE:  Take time throughout your day to be grateful.  You can keep a journal (some people opt for prayer) where you record all the things you want to thank your higher power for bringing in your life.  I like to say a prayer before bed and upon waking in the morning--I set an intention for how I want my day to be before getting out of bed and I thank the universe for all the great things I encountered during my day before closing my eyes at night.  The more you start to be grateful for, the more you will see the greatness in things!  I also encourage you to find other positive people to hang with to keep your glass half full.

**GET YOUR NERVOUS SYSTEM CHECKED:  While we are working on bettering ourselves, it is vitally important to have an open connection between the brain and the body.  Stresses in life can cause interference in the innate flow from our central nervous system out to our organs, tissues and cells (causing vertebral subluxations).  A quick visit to a chiropractor will remove your subluxations, reconnecting you to your source!

I challenge you to introduce these five action steps for the next 30 days.  It takes 30 days to form a habit.  Let's make our habits work FOR us instead of against us, so that we too don't find ourselves saying "getting old sucks!"  Take control of your health, get out there and celebrate life because after all, life is good :)

*Re-posted by Dr Gena from 11/10/11


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