Has your lower back pain gotten so bad that you find it hard to get out of bed some mornings? Does it hurt to bend or twist or sit for long periods of time? Back troubles are no fun, and oftentimes the pain can come and go for quite a long time.

There are plenty of stretches, pain patches and products like Baxaprin that can help relieve that nagging tension you’re feeling, but these remedies do not replace a chiropractic adjustment, nor can they help get to the root of the issue. The root cause is key, as sometimes it might not necessarily be something in your back that is creating that back pain — there may be something else to blame.

At Dr. Gena Chiropractic, a family chiropractor practice in Plantation, each and every patient that walks through the door goes through an in-depth examination that includes X-rays (if needed). This helps Dr. Gena and her team see exactly what is going on in your body so they can create your personalized chiropractic treatment plan, and help correct the real cause of your pain.

What’s Causing My Back Pain?

Experiencing spinal subluxations, also known as nerve interference, in the lower back can affect how that part of your body feels and functions. Interference in the nerves can cause a lack of motion, which can mean a lack of adequate flow. Basically, if the nerves are blocked, they aren’t properly sending signals to your brain and other parts of the body, which results in a disconnect (or tension) and causes pain.

There are also the muscles to consider. If there is tension and tightness in the muscles, pain can occur. This is why hydration is so important. Taking a supplement such as magnesium can help with muscle support and function, as does taking an Epsom Salt bath, which is made from hydrated magnesium sulfate.

It’s important to have a strong muscular system to support the spinal structure and the body as a whole, but before those muscles can do their part to support the spine, the spine must also be strong — after all, it is the foundation of our bodies. The spine is where all muscles, ligaments, and tendons (soft tissue) attach to. It truly is the most important piece of the puzzle, and the part of the body that Dr. Gena Chiropractic is most concerned with. 

How To Prevent Lower Back Pain

After you’ve gone through your treatment sessions at Dr. Gena Chiropractic and are finally feeling relief from your lower back pain, it’s important to do the work needed to keep that pain from coming back. 

As part of your treatment plan, you will be taught various corrective exercises that will help strengthen your lower back and other areas of the body that could contribute to causing back pain. These exercises supplement your chiropractic care, and will only help to improve the results of your adjustments, so it’s important to stick to them and make them part of your at-home routine. 

There are additional steps you can do on your own to lessen the chance of your back pain returning. Engaging in regular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight will help kick lower back pain to the curb, as will practicing good posture while sitting and standing and paying attention to the way in which you lift and carry things that might be a little heavier than you are used to. If you spend a lot of time at a desk, whether for work, school or play, make sure to take frequent breaks to stretch and walk around, and also invest in a good setup that includes a supportive, comfortable chair.

Don’t let lower back pain get you down — Dr. Gena Chiropractic, your favorite chiropractor in Plantation, is here to help! Call us today at 954-417-5815 or go online to schedule an appointment and let us help rid you of pain, and get you feeling good again!

Remember; your health is in your hands, our hands are here to help!


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