This one's for you, new mamas!

Now that you have welcomed your bundle of joy into this world, it’s time to start thinking about things like breastfeeding, and/or pumping for, your little one. This is a really exciting time for you and your newborn — a time to foster your relationship and grow together as mother and baby. These life-changing moments should only bring on happy thoughts and memories, not aching neck, back, and shoulder pain, headaches, or negative feelings in general.

We understand that not all moms are able to breastfeed and that’s okay. But for those of us who choose to, there are certain things you can do during your breastfeeding phase that will help keep both your physical and mental well-being on track while tending to your new baby. 

As you work to find the best breastfeeding routine for you and your baby, you may find yourself faced with things like sore nipples, cracked or dry skin, clogged milk ducts, or problems with milk supply. 

For clogged milk ducts, family chiropractor, Dr. Gena suggests taking a sunflower lecithin supplement. If you are experiencing problems with milk supply, there are specific ingredients that can help foster your breastmilk. These ingredients, also known as galactagogues, are foods, herbs, or supplements that help move along breast milk production and ejection. Water, while not a food, herb or supplement, is a crucial galactagogue. It’s very important for you to always be well hydrated while breastfeeding — and in your everyday, normal post-breastfeeding life as well! 

Other things to incorporate into your diet include oatmeal, garlic, carrots, fennel, raw nuts, green papaya (the unripe kind often seen in Asian cooking), sesame seeds, and ginger. These good-for-you ingredients have a whole host of other benefits to keep you nice and healthy while you provide your newborn with essential nutrition in the beginning stage of his or her life. 

Oh, and here’s one more galactagogue that will put a smile on your face: COOKIES! This recipe for lactation cookies from is said to provide breastfeeding mothers with the essentials vitamins needed, and help to boost and maintain breast milk.

In addition to eating the right foods and getting plenty of water, posture is extremely important while breastfeeding. Posture can hugely affect your everyday life, causing aches and pains, low energy levels, headaches, and can even have an effect on your postpartum recovery. To ensure proper posture during breastfeeding, make sure to follow these crucial steps:

  • Keep your feet flat on the floor, your back pressed up against the back of a chair or couch, and your shoulders relaxed. If you are not able to reach the floor with your back up against the chair or couch, you can use a pillow for extra support.

  • Do not bend down to reach your nipple to your baby. Instead, bring your baby to your nipple. There are products available to help with support in this position, such as breastfeeding pillows and blankets. Dr. Gena recommends the My Brest Friend Pillow, available on Amazon, and personally vouches for how much it helped with her lower back and neck muscles while she breastfed.

  • Keep your neck as neutral as possible — aka don’t stare downward at your baby the entire time you are breastfeeding. We know that might be hard, as right now all you want to do is stare at the beautiful little human you created, but this constant strain will wreak havoc on your neck in the long run.

New mothers often tend to put all of their focus on their newborn child, forgetting about their own health and wellbeing — but this is not the ideal thing to do, not for you or your new baby. In order to best care for your newborn, you too need to be cared for. If you thought you loved chiropractic care during your pregnancy, just wait until you experience the benefits during the fourth trimester (right after your baby arrives). Chiropractic care, along with massage and the various different stretches our team will teach you, will keep you feeling at your best. When you feel your best, you’ll be able to give your all to your newborn.

At Dr. Gena Chiropractic, a family chiropractic practice in Plantation, you will receive customized care suited to your own personal preferences. Our team has a special passion, and even extra training, for the care of both pregnant and postpartum women and their babies. We will do everything we can to be there for you and provide the best care possible during this exciting time in your life. 

Remember; your health is in your hands; our hands are here to help!

Call Dr. Gena Chiropractic, your favorite family chiropractor in Plantation, at 954-417-5815 to schedule an appointment today.


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