The Importance of Vitamin D

Remember when you were a little kid and were always told to take your vitamins? It was an important part of the day, most likely in the morning during a hearty breakfast, before heading off to school. You were probably told that taking those vitamins would help you to grow strong, be smart, and stay healthy. The vitamins were probably colorful, in the shapes of popular cartoon characters, and tasted like candy. You probably didn’t mind taking them — or maybe you hated it — but either way, you also probably did not know just how important they could be (and yes, some brands are most definitely better for you than others). 

Taking your vitamins now, as an adult, is just as important, if not more important than it was back then in your childhood. The only difference is that now we may understand the significance a bit more — and it’s up to us, not our parents or guardians, to make sure we are getting an adequate amount of all the right ones.

According to the National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements, vitamin D is not naturally found in many foods. Instead, it is most easily absorbed in the body through dietary supplements or through UV rays from sunlight. Good thing we live in the sunshine state!

Vitamin D plays a critical role in how our gut absorbs calcium, which is needed for bone strength and growth. Calcium is also important for our oral health, helping to lower the risk of gum disease and tooth decay. Without the right amount of vitamin D, our bones can weaken, becoming brittle, thin, and sometimes even change shape.

Vitamin D also helps to prevent something called hypocalcemic tetany, which refers to involuntary muscle movement that can cause cramping or spasms, as well as the weakening and softening of bones, called rickets in children and osteomalacia in young adults. Vitamin D is often taken along with calcium as a preventative measure against osteoporosis in older adults. 

These aren’t the only benefits of vitamin D. It can also help to strengthen our muscles, reduce inflammation, build our immune system, prevent Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, treat hypertension, support weight loss, battle depression, and reduce the risk for certain cancers.

Good Sources of Vitamin D

Sunlight is the most natural source of vitamin D. Our bodies create vitamin D when direct sunlight hits our skin, so spending time outdoors is a great way to increase your intake. A few minutes of direct sunlight a day can help this. We don’t recommend long term daily direct sun exposure without proper skin protection. We are lucky to live in South Florida where the sun is shining more often than not, but for those who live in parts of the world where sunlight is not always available, vitamin D dietary supplements are very easy to find.

Although vitamin D is not found in too many foods, there are a few that are known sources. These include oily fish like salmon, sardines, herring and mackerel, red meat, liver, egg yolks, and fortified foods that have had nutrients added to them. Examples of this include milk, and some breakfast cereals and fat spreads.

Vitamin D as Part of a Healthy Lifestyle

Vitamin D is an integral part of living a healthy lifestyle. Dr. Gena Chiropractic, a family chiropractic practice in Plantation, recommends that patients make sure they are getting enough vitamin D in their everyday life. In addition to getting plenty of vitamins, chiropractic care can also have a very positive impact on your health and well-being.

"Chiropractic should be included at the core of a healthy lifestyle,” Dr. Gena says. “Since it has an effect on the nervous system, the body can heal, feel, and function better when receiving regular chiropractic care. Lifestyle factors are always important. Most people think to include exercise and diet, including supplementation, but often forget to address the brain-body connection. That's where chiropractic comes in."

Our favorite way to fully reap the benefits of Vitamin D3 is when it’s taken in combination with vitamin K. This combination helps better ensure calcium absorption, affecting bone mass. We recommend the Designs for Health line for this product. You can get yourself a bottle by clicking here. Don’t forget to take your daily dose of vitamin D3 with food, as it’s fat soluble. It is best to have your vitamin D3 levels checked through blood work. This helps ensure you are getting the appropriate amount needed for supplementation. 

Start Living Your Best Life

It is never too late to start living your best, healthiest life. Dr. Gena Chiropractic, your favorite family chiropractor in Plantation, is here for you. Remember, your health is in your hands; our hands are here to help! Call our office, located just minutes west of Fort Lauderdale, to schedule an appointment.


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