Another blog about the immune system? You know it! The immune system is such a hot topic right now, and truthfully, it always should be at the forefront of our minds. The immune system is made up of a network of organs, white blood cells, proteins (also known as antibodies) and chemicals that work in tandem to protect us and keep us in good health. 

These are the main parts of the immune system:

  • White blood cells: search for, attack, and destroy germs.

  • Lymph nodes: keep germs from spreading to other parts of the body.

  • Spleen: stores white blood cells, and filters the blood to get rid of old, damaged red blood cells.

  • Tonsils/adenoids: trap foreign germs as soon as they enter the body through the throat and/or nasal passage, and produce antibodies to protect against throat and lung infections.

  • Thymus: matures a specific white blood cell that’s job is to recognize and remember foreign germs so that an immediate attack can occur if that germ ever returns.

  • Bone marrow: produces various white blood cells, plasma cells and other immune cells to release into the bloodstream.

  • Skin: produces oils and secretes protective immune system cells to prevent and destroy germs before they even enter the body.

  • Mucous membranes: line the respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive tracts, and germs stick to this mucous and are moved out of the airways.

  • Stomach: the acid in your stomach kills bacteria when it enters the body.


How Does The Immune System Work?

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, the immune system has three main jobs:

  • Preventing and destroying germs that cause infections, diseases, or any kind of illness, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi.

  • Recognizing when harmful substances from the environment have entered the body, and rendering them ineffective.

  • Fighting against changes in the body can cause disease, such as cancer cells.

How does the immune system do this? A properly functioning immune system understands which cells in the body are yours, and which have no business being there. When it detects a cell that doesn’t belong, it does whatever it needs to do to attack and destroy these potentially harm-inducing germs. As noted by the Cleveland Clinic, once you have been exposed to these foreign germs, the body then creates antibodies that work to protect against those germs should they return. Basically, the immune system immediately gathers all of the information from the germs you have been exposed to, and “puts it in its back pocket” for future reference, so if those germs ever return, the body will know exactly how to get rid of them before they have a chance to cause any damage.

As you can see, having a strong, healthy immune system is incredibly important. Without this, our health can be seriously compromised.


Our Vitamin Recommendations

There are many ways you can keep your immune system in check, such as following a nutritious diet and maintaining a healthy weight, getting enough sleep, exercising, practicing proper hygiene, and engaging in stress-relieving activities. There are also certain supplements that can boost the immune system. Please keep in mind that not all vitamins, minerals, and herbs are safe to take while pregnant and/or breastfeeding, so be sure to check with your healthcare provider before starting a new health regimen. Not all brands and products are the same either. Be sure to research the best fitting ones for you.

Dr. Gena Chiropractic, a family chiropractic practice in Plantation, recommends the following supplements to support healthy immune system function. Many of these supplements have additional benefits as well.

  • Vitamin C: Helps maintain healthy veins, capillaries, skin, hair and nails by supporting normal collagen production and repair. 

  • Vitamin D: Essential for optimal bone and arterial health.

  • Probiotics: Offers support for proper flora in the GI tract.

  • Oregano Oil: Has powerful antioxidant and intestinal cleansing benefits, and maintains a healthy microbial balance.

  • Elderberry 

  • Zinc 

  • Colloidal Silver


Dr. Gena also recommends medicinal mushrooms such as reishi for immune health, as well as her overall immune system favorite,  Immunitone. This herbal blend comes highly recommended by Dr. Gena and her team. However, take note that this is one of those products that cannot be taken if you are pregnant and/or breastfeeding. 


As always, we recommend having a chiropractic checkup to ensure your body stays feeling and functioning at its best. 

To learn more, you can click on any of the above links for supplements. For your chiropractic needs, call us today. We are your favorite family chiropractor in Plantation, located just minutes west of Fort Lauderdale at Dr. Gena Chiropractic. Don’t let your health fall to the wayside. Remember, your health is in your hands; our hands are here to help! 


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