If a large portion of your day is spent sitting down at a desk, whether for work or school or otherwise, this is an important read for you! 

Our bodies were not designed to sit all day long. We were made to MOVE! Having a full range of motion in all of your joints, and utilizing it to its fullest potential, equates to better health. So many of us spend way too much time sitting while we are working, hunched over at our laptops and computers, heads and necks tilted downward, typing away. We’re even sitting too much while enjoying leisure time, slouching on the couch watching TV, playing video games, or whatever else — this is not ideal for our muscular system. By sitting for hours at a time, it tightens the flexor muscles (the muscles that are used to close the gap between the bones on each side of a joint, i.e. bending the elbow or knee). This then weakens the extensor muscles (the muscles that straighten out a limb, i.e., bending back a wrist or straightening the arm at the elbow). These feelings of tightness and weakness in the muscles can cause discomfort and sometimes even pain. 

To remedy this, and prevent it from happening, your favorite family chiropractor in Plantation, Dr. Gena Chiropractic, has a piece of advice that could prove to be a huge game changer for you: make the switch to a standing or convertible desk!

Use a Standing Desk or Convertible Desk

Switching between sitting and standing can help alleviate potential muscle discomfort and pain and help our bodies function properly in so many ways. 

There are many desk options available that allow you to do this. Standing desks have a platform that is elevated higher than the average desk. You can stand while working, or have a barstool close by so you can sit for a little bit every once in a while. Convertible desks come in a variety of forms. You can get a mount for your standard size desk — some are motorized and rise at the push of a button, and some may require turning a crank or lifting manually. The point of these convertible desks is to allow you to turn your regular desk into a standing desk if need be. Both of these desk options provide an opportunity for you to go back and forth between sitting and standing during your work day, rather than spending the entire day sitting down in a chair. 

There is one very important thing that chiropractor, Dr. Gena, recommends, even if you do own a standing or convertible desk: stop working at various points throughout the day and just get up and move. 

Take breaks to go for a short walk around the block, or if you don’t have the ability to go outside, simply take a walk up and down the hallway of your office. It’s important to get your blood flowing to maintain proper circulation and not fall victim to muscle spasms, back pain, neck pain, headaches, and other issues that can occur from sitting too long.

Benefits of a Standing Desk or Convertible Desks

The health risks that come with sitting for too long are not good: increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, weight gain and obesity, just to name a few. Switching to a standing desk is just one small step in the right direction to keep these things from happening to you.

Here are a few ways that using a standing or convertible desk can be a positive influencer on your health and well being:

  • Lowered blood sugar levels, especially when used after eating a meal.

  • Decreased neck pain and back pain.

  • Improved mood, energy levels, and productivity.

  • May lower the risk of early death and increase chances of living much longer.

Standing Desks and Chiropractic Care: A Winning Combination

Your favorite family chiropractor, Dr. Gena, cannot stress enough how important it is to take good care of your joints and muscles. That is why she highly recommends moving as much as you can throughout the day. If you must be at a desk for work, switch between sitting and standing every 30 minutes, and make it a point to take small breaks. Of course, don’t forget to keep up with your chiropractic care for optimal bone, joint and muscular health. When you couple this with a healthy overall lifestyle, you’ve got the best recipe for success. Remember, your health is in your hands; our hands are here to help.

Call our office today at 954-417-5815 to schedule an appointment with the Dr. Gena Chiropractic team.


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