Visiting the chiropractor for the first time can be a little scary, especially if you are not really sure exactly what goes on during a chiropractic visit or during a chiropractic adjustment. The team at Dr. Gena Chiropractic, your favorite family chiropractor in Plantation, always makes it a point to make all of our patients feel extra comfortable, especially if it’s their first time visiting. All of our patients here receive personalized care, and that starts from the moment you walk through our doors.  

During your first appointment, we go through a five-point process to cover all the bases. First things first — paperwork. You know the drill; it’s the same at just about any doctor’s office. The new patient intake forms help us to better understand your health history, individual health goals, and give us all of the important information we need about you to give you the best care possible.

After you’ve completed the paperwork, it’s time for your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Gena and our team. This is the “get-to-know you” part of the visit, where our doctors and/or trained team members will ask questions to gather intel about your health history, any current health issues or concerns, expectations and goals, and discuss your possible care options to meet your needs.

A full body assessment is the next step. Our doctors will actually perform a chiropractic physical examination to get a good look at what’s really going on with your body, so they are better able to create a personalized treatment/care plan. This part of the appointment could include physical tests, neurological and/or postural evaluations, and sometimes we also perform X-rays depending on your specific situation. X-rays help show us any serious spinal conditions, and pinpoint any misalignments and/or degeneration. Again, this is just one more necessary step for us to create the most personalized approach to best address your chiropractic needs.

After these examinations, one of our trained team members will always sit down with their patients and go over the findings with them. Dr. Gena explains “to not know is to guess, and we never want to do guess work when it comes to your body. Rather than simply telling you what the problem is and fixing it during adjustments, we find it very important to educate and show our patients what is actually going on in their bodies.” Dr. Gena and team will give a detailed report and go over things like how chiropractic care can help, how many treatments/visits are recommended, what you can do at home in between sessions, and the payment options. If your X-ray results show that your condition might require additional outside care, Dr. Gena will offer her recommendations and make any necessary referrals so that the patient benefits. The goal is to provide you with the best overall health and wellness program to suit your needs and help you meet your health goals. 

Now that you’ve had your full consultation and have a better idea about what’s going on in your body, it’s time to experience your first adjustment. Some patients will opt to do this on the same day as their consultation, or schedule it for a few days later. When you do have the adjustment, we encourage you to speak up. Ask questions, state your concerns, and tell us what you do and don’t like about the techniques and styles used so that we know your preferences. Most of the time, you will be given “homework” aka exercises and stretches to do at home that supplement the corrective care being done in our office. This at-home care can really make a difference in how effective your adjustments and results are in the end!

Are you ready for your first chiropractic appointment? Call our Plantation chiropractor office today at 954-417-5815 and schedule a consultation. Remember, your health is in your hands; our hands are here to help!


Office Hours


10:00 am - 1:00 pm

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 11:00 am


10:00 am - 1:00 pm

3:00 pm - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 1:00 pm

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm




9:00 am - 11:00 am



10:00 am - 1:00 pm 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 11:00 am
10:00 am - 1:00 pm 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm
9:00 am - 1:00 pm 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 11:00 am