Ergonomics are the building blocks to an efficient, productive and safe environment in the workplace. Without proper ergonomics, people are at a higher risk for injury — but we don’t mean obvious injuries like a slip-and-fall, an allergic reaction or something of that sort. We are talking about injuries to the joints or spine that occur because of the design of an actual work area. 

Without the presence of good ergonomic practices, people are more likely to develop conditions like tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome and general aches and pain in the lower back, shoulders, neck pain, and hip pain. All of these things can have a profound effect on someone’s quality of life, and that can seriously decrease someone’s productivity in the workplace. 

Ergonomics in the workplace are important because they primarily focus on comfort. When you are comfortable, you feel better. When you feel better, you do your job both more efficiently and effectively. 

One of the main ways to improve ergonomics is to have good posture. If your job requires you to sit at a desk all day, there are quite a few things that can cause poor posture, so you may want to implement some changes.

Desk and chair height and computer or laptop screen positioning are the two main things to pay attention to. Constant slouching can lead to back, neck and shoulder problems that can easily be avoided. 

At Dr. Gena Chiropractic, your favorite family chiropractor in Plantation, we see this problem all too often. Patients come to see us about chronic pain of which we discover is probably caused by the way they sit at their desk. This is the kind of information we gather during initial consultations, and it is so helpful for our team when determining the course of care for each individual patients’ needs. 

Our first piece of advice for all patients who spend most of their time at a desk is to make sure they are maintaining a straight, neutral position with ears and head in line with the shoulders, hips, knees and ankles. To ensure that you stay in this position while working, your work environment may need to be adjusted.

Your computer or laptop monitor should be in alignment with your line of vision. We recommend propping your screen up closer to eye level with a screen riser. This is the one we recommend and use in our office. You should not need to tilt your head down or lift it up to look at your screen, as this can wreak havoc on the neck. 

Your screen should also be about an arm’s length away from your face. Looking at the screen too closely can hurt your eyes and sometimes even cause headaches (you may also want to consider wearing blue-light blocking glasses when staring at a screen all day). Your keyboard should be at an height and angle that allows you to keep your wrists straight and hands either level with or slightly below your elbows (think 90° angles at the elbows). If you use a mouse, it should be at the same height as the keyboard and positioned directly next to it. 

Your chair should be adjusted to a height so your hips are in line with your hips and your feet are flat on the floor (90° at the hips and knees). The chair back should have a curve to support the lower spine, and armrests should be at a height that allows you to rest your arms and keep your shoulders relaxed.

Good posture is crucial to proper workplace ergonomics. Here are a few of Dr. Gena’s favorite gadgets to help with good posture

In addition to designing your workspace to promote good posture, regular chiropractic care can also help. Remember, your health is in your hands; our hands are here to help. To schedule your appointment with our chiropractic team, call our office at 954-417-5815.


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