It’s one thing to breathe — we all breathe — but it’s an entirely different thing to breathe mindfully.

Simply put, mindful breathing is a meditation practice that focuses on breathing. It may be simple, but it can be extremely powerful. When practicing mindful breathing, you place your attention and focus on the natural rhythm of your breath; how it flows in and out, how your body feels and where your mind goes during each inhale and each exhale. 

Meditating in this manner can be done at any time, in any situation, which is what makes it so helpful. It’s a practice you can turn to at any given moment whenever you feel the need to ground yourself. If you are feeling stressed or anxious, if you are being pulled down by a negative emotion, or even if you just need to unwind after a long day, mindful breathing can bring a sense of calmness, peace and serenity to your life. 

What is Mindful Breathing

Breath helps us to connect and keeps us centered. Dr. Gena, a family chiropractor in Plantation, highly recommends incorporating breathwork into your daily routine. Deep belly breathing can help us better activate the parasympathetic part of the nervous system, which is responsible for the feed and breed and rest and digest functions. This is the area we want to spend most of our time in, as opposed to the sympathetic nervous system function, commonly referred to as the fight or flight response.

When someone annoys or frustrates you or makes you mad, you may notice that you unintentionally take a deep breath before responding in any way. This moment, although short, is an important one. It helps to calm and relax you, and it does so by activating the parasympathetic nervous system. Instead of lashing out with anger, your response to this person will be much more peaceful — or perhaps you won’t even respond at all, and your parasympathetic nervous system will have helped you to make a conscious decision to ignore whatever caused the negative feeling and move on to a more positive situation.


How to Practice Mindful Breathing

Start by taking four mindful deep belly breaths at home, on a daily basis. Dr. Gena suggests doing this right before bed. Doing it at the same time every day will help it become a part of your daily routine so you are less likely to forget. First, lay down on your back on the floor, your bed, or wherever you feel comfortable, or sit upright with your legs uncrossed. Then, close your eyes and let yourself go. Breathe in through your nose for a slow count of four, hold it for a long second, and then breathe out slowly for another slow count of four. 

There are many apps available that offer free breathwork services. Meditation and yoga are also a great way to learn and practice mindful breathing as well. There are so many different ways to practice your breathwork: apps, YouTube videos, in-person classes and seminars… The options are endless!

This simple, yet effective, breathing technique described here is a great place to start. As you know, Dr. Gena is always happy to help her patients achieve their health goals, for both body and mind. Mindful breathing goes hand in hand with chiropractic care, so if you are interested in learning more about mindful breathing, don’t hesitate to ask! Remember, your health is in your hands; our hands are here to help.

Make an appointment at Dr. Gena Chiropractic, your favorite family chiropractic in Plantation, and let our team help you find your inner peace. Call 954-417-5815 to schedule.


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