Viewing 81 - 96 out of 216 posts


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Dr. Gena's Motivation Tips

There are some mornings when we wake up on the wrong side of the bed. We wake up feeling…a little less than energetic, unmotivated to do what needs to be Read More

How Mindful Breathing Can Be Helpful

It’s one thing to breathe — we all breathe — but it’s an entirely different thing to breathe mindfully. Simply put, mindful breathing is a meditation practice that focuses on breathing. Read More

Eat The Rainbow For Optimal Nutrition

“Taste the rainbow” may be the tagline for a particularly popular colorful candy brand, but that is not the rainbow that we are encouraging you to eat!  Having a healthy body Read More

The Importance of Full Range of Motion

A main factor when it comes to true health is having 100% range of motion in the joints of your body. Range of motion refers to the full potential of Read More

Why It's Important to Stay Hydrated

Heat and humidity are no strangers to us here in South Florida, even during the winter months. That’s why it is extra important that we pay attention to our water Read More

Boost Your Energy Naturally

We could all use a little bit more energy… Whether you’re a student who is studying for exams and attending extracurriculars and other social activities, a parent whose home-schooling and/or Read More

Boosting Your Immune System

Another blog about the immune system? You know it! The immune system is such a hot topic right now, and truthfully, it always should be at the forefront of our Read More

Vitamin D As An Immune Booster

The Importance of Vitamin D Remember when you were a little kid and were always told to take your vitamins? It was an important part of the day, most likely in Read More

Revisiting the Five Pillars of Health

Now, more than ever, general health and well-being is at the forefront of everyone’s mind. We are more concerned with our intake of vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc and other Read More

Remedies for Trouble with Sleeping

Why Sleep Is Important Did you know that there are 50-70 million adults in the U.S. that suffer from some kind of sleep disorder? Adults typically need 7-9 hours of sleep Read More


This one's for you, new mamas! Now that you have welcomed your bundle of joy into this world, it’s time to start thinking about things like breastfeeding, and/or pumping for, your Read More

Help! My Lower Back Pain Left Me on My Back!

Has your lower back pain gotten so bad that you find it hard to get out of bed some mornings? Does it hurt to bend or twist or sit for Read More

What Can a Chiropractor Do For My Leg Pain?

Dealing with chronic leg pain can be, well, a pain. Pain in general, regardless of where it is onyour body, has a large impact on your quality of life. It Read More

Dr. Gena Chiropractic's Guide to Postpartum Care for Moms

Having a baby is a magical experience. The anticipation, and almost 10-month wait, becomes all worth it once you finally get to hold in your arms the precious little gem Read More

The Fourth Trimester

What’s life like after a baby is born? That’s a fully loaded question. But the best way to describe it is as an extension of your pregnancy for both mom Read More

Sitting Is The New Smoking

It’s no secret that sitting is considered the new smoking, and while many of us have taken the necessary steps to increase their health by eliminating the latter, sitting is Read More

Viewing 81 - 96 out of 216 posts


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